Obsessive Compulsive Disorder , known as OCD, is a mental health disorder, in which individual have repeated unwanted thoughts, feelings or behaviour. It can be repeating the same action like washing over and over.
Obsessions are unwanted, unpleasant and repeated thoughts, images, doubts or ruminations in your mind. Individuals with obsessions experience shocking or blasphemous single words or short phrases. They may wonder for hours whether you might have caused an accident or misfortune to someone, endlessly argue with themselves or bothered, in a way that other people are not, if things are not in the exactly the right order, not balanced or not in the right place
Compulsions are mental acts or repetitive behaviour. Individuals with OCD experience obsessional thoughts like counting or saying a special word over and over again or avoidance by avoiding to touch particular objects, go to certain places or take risks or accepting responsibility. They may have rituals such as wash hands frequently or repeatedly ask others to tell you that everything is alright.
OCD may cause feelings of anxiety. Individuals can feel tense, anxious, fearful, guilty, disgusted or depressed. They feel better if they carry out your compulsive behaviour, or ritual.